This week I haven't had much alone time, and it really took its toll. Tonight, I'm babysitting, and I am very thankful that I am. At first, I was crabby about babysitting, because two of my friends are having a joint birthday party tonight, and the au pairs I hang out with Monday nights are having a special get together tonight. But I'm thankful I'm alone, enjoying some stillness and quiet. I'm drinking a nice glass of red wine (the family had a big Christmas party for their neighbors today, so there is a lot of wine and food about the house right now), and munching on some chocolate.
Today I went to Geneva with some of the au pair girls and celebrated L'Escalade, which is a holiday unique to Geneva. I won't go into too much detail, because I feel a little lazy and don't want to type everything out, but the link above is to the Wikipedia page. It's a neat if you like history, and it was fun to learn a bit more about Old Town in Geneva. The big parade is tomorrow, but the secret passage was open today, and we all got to go through it. I love learning and seeing history first-hand.
Anyway, here are a bunch of pictures I haven't shared with you yet. From Thanksgiving to today.
Well, that's all for now. I'll try and post again before I head off to England and Ireland! Bon week-end!
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