So yesterday, Ivana purchased me a train ticket, and I headed into Nyon. It was a beautiful day. As soon as I arrived, I just set off walking, and walked around the perimeter of the main part of the town. It was just so beautiful. Lots of boats were out on the lake, people were outside eating and enjoying the weather, I was just just walking, taking it all in. To an American from the Midwest, everything looks like a postcard. I was not too hungry, even though it was lunchtime, and I was not too keen about eating at a random restaurant all alone. I have before, but usually with a book, and usually in America.
I found a small drugstore, and bought some necessary things. I only brought travel-sized shampoo, toothpaste, etc to save space. Remember that 3-1 stuff we bought, Sarah? Yeah, did not bring it because I thought my suitcase was over the weight limit. Turns out I had 6 more lbs. to play with than I thought I did. Boo.
I bought shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, q-tips, nail polish remover... nearly everything on my shopping list. I almost splurged on some L'Occitane lotion, but decided to wait.
I found the shopping mall, and found the American Market (yea! expensive but great. I bought a jar of peanut butter.), and I found H&M. I bought a nice dress I can wear for fall/winter. I finally was hungry, and finally screwed up my courage to eat alone, so I headed over to a restaurant recommended in the Living in Nyon blog (link in my blog list to the right, it is a great site!), but they had finished lunch, and dinner was not being served yet. Oh well. I was tired anyway, and I decided to head home.
When I got home, I rested & read for a bit, and then I decided to take a walk around Genolier. I walked pretty far, not realizing I had been traipsing downhill (or down-mountain), so when I turned to come home, it was quite a hike back. I think I walked about a total of 8 miles yesterday, between Nyon & Genolier. I later went with Ivana to the grocery store (all the groceries I have seen so far have been inside malls - it is a little strange). Ivana is great, and I am glad I will be able to get to know her better.
Today, I elected to stay home, instead of taking the train to Geneva, or even back to Nyon. It has been rainy today, so I am glad I stayed in. When Ivana returns from work, we are going shopping in Geneva for a French-English dictionary, and a mobile phone. I will hopefully make it to Geneva soon; Ivana would love to show me around. Ivana & Bertrand lived there before the kids, and they love it. Bertrand's band plays there often, apparently.
I will not be attending church on Sunday; we are going to France! Yea! We are going to take a ferry across the lake and spend the day there.
Here is a picture of my favorite spot in Nyon.
Well, I am off to let the dog out, and wash my dishes from lunch. Au revoir!
Delighted, absolutely delighted that your first day in Nyon was a good one. You made a good decision to stay in today, rainy weather indeed. Looking forward to showing you other parts of this area. Catherine
My dear Jedi Knight Nerd,
Such a sweet deal! So looking forward to hearing more, and seeing more beautiful scenic pictures. Of course, all second to your main priority-being the best Au Pair to serve in Switzerland! You are a blessing to so many, keep it up! jp3
CAMILLION!!!!! Sounds like things are going well for you. I got your blog from your mom... love her by the way. No church huh? France! WOW!!! Must be nice. Well, I hope all is well and I will be checking your blog out probably quite a bit. Talk to you soon!
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